Russian Artists Create Man-Sized, Melted, Working iPod [High Art]

The 'WowPod' might not the be first oversized, semi-functioning iPod, but it's probably the strangest. Perhaps taking cues from Salvador Dali (The Persistence of Flash Memory? Anyone? Sorry?), Aristarkh Chernyshev and Alexei Shulgi have not just blown up and distorted an iPod — they've thrown in some functionality. Their site is low on details, but from the looks of it they may actually have the display connected to a iPod Classic's video output. The rest is up to speculation: are the controls mapped? Are the earbuds speakers? What does it mean? What is art? Who am I? and so on.
[Via: Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog ]

Crapgadget: gizmos to scar your USB port for life

Some things just shouldn't ever be plugged into your USB port. Not even that dusty, never-to-be-used socket in your 16-port USB hub. The gadgets you'll see below are among the worst of the worst, with some being so awful, they almost deserve a purchase just to give you a laugh live and in-person. Seriously, just listen: an actual "thumb" drive, a USB key doused in cabbage, a mousepad that doubles as a Lars Ulrich-approved drum kit and a USB Hollywood Film Kit for those still in denial over that acting school rejection letter. There should really be laws against some of this rubbish, but since there isn't, we're putting it to you -- drop your vote in below to let us know which of the following gizmos reeks the most. Good luck down there.
[Via: Engadget ]

10 Gadgets That Help You Survive in Cheap Hotel Rooms [Thank Giz It's Friday]


Tomorrow I embark on a week-long vacation that will have me hiking up mountains, enjoying art and music and dining in fancy restaurants. Needless to say, I am looking forward to it. The only thing I am not 100% about is the hotel room. I've never stayed in this particular chain before and I got it at a great price—which has me a little concerned. What's wrong with it? Is it nasty inside? Is that where all of the local hookers and drug dealers go to conduct their "business?" Fortunately, there are plenty of gadgets out there that can help give budget-minded travelers peace of mind in scenarios like this one. Handler Anti-Germ Hook: If you find yourself staying at a seedy-looking hotel, the Handler will help you negotiate potentially germ-ridden obstacles like door handles with ease. Plus, it is available in a wide range of colors for the stylish hypochondriac. [HandlerUSA] HYSO Doorknob Germ Killer: If you are looking for something a little more advanced than a simple germ hook, the HYSO Doorknob Germ Killer will spray a mist of hospital-grade disinfectant on a handle or knob every 15 minutes. [Link]

SteriPEN: If you are planning a trip to Mexico a foreign country and are a bit concerned about the quality of the local drinking water, the SteriPen can put your mind at ease. The UV wand will kill any bacteria and viruses that may be present without having to resort to boiling. [SteriPEN via Link]

UV Disinfectant Wand: Basically, this wand is a SteriPEN for your surroundings. The UV light will detect bodily fluids that may be present int the room and kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses when you hold it over a suspicious area for 10 seconds. It is available in the compact, clamshell shape seen here as well as a megawand version for that Motel 6 near the red-light district. [ThinkGeek via Link]

Foot Flush: Nearly everyone has a fear of germ-ridden public toilets. The foot flush offers an easy-to-install, hands-free toilet flushing experience by simply stepping on the foot pedal. [Foot Flush via Link]

Mat Walk: While we are in the bathroom, let's take a moment to consider all of the disgusting things that may be lurking on the floor. The Mat Walk towel has slippers built in that not only keep your feet warm, they also prevent any contact with the floor itself. [Generate via Link]

Sonicare Flexcare Toothbrush: Did you ever see that Mythbusters episode that exposed how fecal partials end up on your toothbrush? Yeah, that is pretty horrifying. On the plus side, you could get yourself a Sonicare Flexcare Toothbrush with a built-in UV sanitizer. [Link]

Urine-Off Black Light and Spray: Use the black light to detect any urine, splooge, blood or other bodily fluids that may be present in your room. The bio enzymatic spray should make quick work of the urine—but you may need to find something a little stronger for the other messes you might encounter. [Urine-Off]

Germ Guardian: So, we have dealt with germs that may be present in your water and on the objects in the room—but what about in the air you are breathing? The Germ Guardian claims to kill airborne pathogens using UV-C rays. [Germ Guardian via Link]

DuPont Tychem TK: If none of the gadgets above can alleviate your fears, there is only one thing to do: buy a HazMat suit. Not only will it protect you from germs, it can also help with WMD chemicals like Lewisite, Mustard, Tabun, Sarin, Soman, and VX gas. You know...just in case. [PkSafety] Photo Credit: Barry Culling / PBase
[Via: Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog ]

Ditch the Plasma and Hang Six PCs on the Wall [PCs]

Every yup on the block has a fancy TV on their wall, but not too many folks can claim they have six PCs clustered in a render farm, glowing with eye-searing blue LEDs through a wall-mounted, oversized metal and acrylic frame. Installed at the Fredrik Perman design studio, the wall behind the system houses the firm's entire server room which can be accessed from the terminal beside the monster PC. Construction shot:

I guess with as much as we spend on computers, we might as well treat them as art. It sure beats the hell out of a Kinkade. [Dvice]
[Via: Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog ]

Slim Trim Razor For Shaving That Is Mathematically Correct [Personal Grooming]

After the Goatee Saver, I thought that I had seen it all. But no...there is more where that came from. Check out this Slim Trim razor from designer James McAdam. The caliper mechanism promises a mathematically proportional shave every time. Sure, that makes sense with sideburns and Hitler mustaches, but you have to think bigger—more artistic. How about carving some intricate geometric designs into your stubble? Yeah...your face would be like a blank canvas every couple of days. Maybe even twice a day if you are one seriously hairy dude. [Via: Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog ]

Crowbar Opener Pops Lids on Beer, Makes You Look Like A Heavy [Bottle Opener]

"Grrrr.... ahhh" is roughly the sound you'll make as you use this crowbar bottle opener to muscle-off the cap on a bottle of lovely beer. And you'll get to whack the opener menacingly into your palm if you're in the mood to look like a heavy. Just don't be too energetic opening the bottle, else it'll swing back and you'll smack yourself inna teef. Yours for $25. [NerdApproved]
[Via: Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog ]

Ball of Batteries Re-Energizes Old Trash [Art]

By artist Michel de Broin, the Dead Star is a sculpture formed from batteries at the end of their functional life. He explains, "Left to itself, the sculpture will slowly cool down since there is no longer electronic activity taking place in it." On exhibit at the Eyebeam Center for Art and Technology in New York, we enjoy the sculpture because it perpetually looks like it's about to explode. [Via: Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog ]

GoateeSaver Ensures Your Goatee Looks as Good as a Goatee is Ever Going to Look, Which is to Say Not That Good [Personal Grooming]

Ah, goatees. The preferred facial hair of nerds, fat guys, bikers and Mark Wilson. If you're looking to make sure your goatee is as neat and even as possible, you're going to need a little assistance. Say hello to the GoateeSaver. The GoateeSaver is a little contraption you use by putting part of it in your mouth and biting down. This leaves the bulk of it on your face, making you look like you're wearing a robotic respirator of some sort. This chunk covers up your goatee, allowing you to shave around it and achieve the perfect shape every time. It seems effective enough, although it clearly wouldn't work with more adventurous goatee shapes. What if you want to make it pencil-thin? You know, for the ladies? And what if you want to let your goatee go down your neck under your chin? Well, in that case you'll need to just rely on your steady hand. [Product Page via Las Vegas Sun via Dvice]
[Via: Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog ]

Computer Rig Sets Your Brain in Sensory Overload Mode [Screens-a-gogo]

If you liked our awesome computer rig contest, you will like Mitch Haile's clean but sensory overload workplace, with a total of eight displays. To me it's not as good as my favorite, the Death Star battle station, but that may be because I imagine it is a lot more comfortable to do visual work. And yes, with visual work I mean watching porn. Still, the gallery is impressive. [Flickr via Cult of Mac]
[Via: Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog ]

The Vertical Bed -- never coming to an IKEA near you

For those of you who like to lay in bed watching TV, but always manage to get a sore neck, Jamie O'Shea from the "Office for the development of Substitute Materials" has devised a solution: the Vertical Bed. Supported by a harness that is craftily secured under the clothing, nappers can catch up on beauty rest at any subway stop or back alley of their choosing. As an added bonus the wearer can be made impervious to the effects of the outside world through the use of noise canceling headphones and mirrored glasses, and the ensemble comes with an umbrella for convenient use in a variety of weather conditions. The only thing it appears to be missing from this performance art project is an anti-pick-pocketing force field -- undoubtedly in the works. More photos after the break.

[Via: we make money not art ]

Ed Hardy-ruined Palm Centro not available to general public, and that's okay

If you were wondering why Palm just posted another less-than-stellar quarter of earnings despite the runaway success of its Centro line, we think we have the answer: it's been digging into the piggy bank to ice out its gear. Palm has commissioned Ed Hardy to "specially equip" some Centros as gifts for presenters at the Primetime Emmys (which fall somewhere between Cable Ace and Teen Choice Awards for prestige), and the result is... well, this. The designs won't be available to the general public, but we think we're going to reserve our envy for anything else.
[Via: Engadget ]

Techie Wine Bottles Using Digital Thermometers [Wine]

You may have paid $100 for that fancy Cab, but little did you know, its tannins have been seared crispy like hashbrowns in a semi left to sit in the sun. So just for you, dear learned consumer, wine makers are fighting back with a new digital thermometer that can tell buyers whether or not the bottle fell outside its ideal temperature after shipping from the vineyard. The size of a sugar packet and sitting on the bottle's neck, if everything was OK, an embedded light (LED, we're sure) blinks green. If things went wrong, it'll blink yellow. The system even records the temperature for downloading to a computer spreadsheet by suppliers. The catch is that these thermometers run about $1.60 apiece. Obviously intended for better wines, it's still tough to swallow that all that many vineyards will adopt the technology in an era when traditional corks are dying to cheaper screw tops and rubber stoppers. But hey, who are we to question progress? [AP]
[Via: Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog ]

Futuristic Origami Desk Cut and Folded from a Single Sheet of Steel [Desk]

No doubt about it, this is one bad-ass-looking desk. But the 3Fold from Formtank is more than just a striking visual design—it is also impressive because it was cut and folded from a single sheet of steel using CAD/CAM technology. Formtank bills it as an excellent CEO desk, which is why it takes CEO money to buy one. Constructing your own version starts at around $7,000. [Formtank via Core77 via Boing Boing]
[Via: Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog ]

Masterlock's iCage Bike-Lock-Style Case Chains-Down Your iPod [Ipod In Chains]

An iPod case that doubles as a secure bicycle-lock-style chain for your iPod... I can't work out if this is marketing madness or shrewd targeting of a small customer sector by Masterlock. I mean, you'd have to work in a very crappy office environment indeed if you felt the need to chain your iPod to your desk while you skipped off for a coffee. Maybe it'll appeal to kids into baggy pants adorned with multiple chains. Hmmm. It's not uber-secure, consisting of a metal shell for the 'Pod and a three-digit numeric-combination lock and security cord, but it may deter the casual thief. Available for iPod classics and first and second gen nanos from later this month, prices starting at $15. [RegHardware]
[Via: Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog ]

ezJam Combo Guitar for Wii plays neutral in the battle of the (virtual) bands

ezJam Combo Guitar for Wii plays neutral in the battle of the band games

Living room arenas around the world will soon become even more cluttered with toy instruments thanks to Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero: World Tour. Axes for the two respective franchises haven't gotten along on the Wii, and while we're still not sure whether the next generation will cooperate ezGear is hoping to bring some peace (and eliminate some clutter) for current Nintendo rockers with its ezJam Combo Guitar. Inside its baby-blue Strat-esque styling there's port to plug in your Wiimote when playing Guitar Hero III as well as an integrated wireless transmitter for Rock Band. At $70 it's a little more expensive than other third-parties like the Nyko Frontman, but playing lead in two bands instead of one is totally worth it.
[Via: Engadget ]